The picture to the right was posted on US, as a apart of their Celebrity babies of 2009. This is a photograph of Heidi Klum and her third chid with her husband Seal. However the picture is not the focus point of this blog, but instead the ignorant comments it received.
Here are some comments people posted in response to this picture:
"There is nothing miraculous about babies and they are not gifts from god. All forms of animials have offspring--it is just nature. And yes, the baby is not very good looking, some babies are ugly, but they change as they older. But, this picture of her with this black baby is very unsettling."
"Heidi aint got NO respect at all for herself. tHAt low life tramp will sleep with ANYTHIng and I do mean ANYTHING, look at Seal. That shows just how low women like Heidi will stoop." Her Husband Seal is a black man.
"I'd have to agree with "anon", not the cutest kid of a mixed race, but then again Kimora's little boy I think wasn't cute in the first few months of life. He's adorable now! We'll just have to see(fingers crossed)"
Another ignorant reader in response to the comment above."some of these (he meant biracial) babies are cute while others are absolutly hideous and unnatural. it's evidence that society is on the decline."
I have never been so hurt in my life, not only were these comments ignorant, rude, and disrespectful. They were just all out racist, I never knew that you could be filled with so much hate that you would talk about a baby like this. I though that we had made progress by electing a black president, but I see we still have so much more hatred to live through. Guys, I was so upset at this I immediately commented back to the people showing them how ignorant they were. I mean free speech is one thing, but slandering is another! Bloggers, please tell me why can't we all just get a long?
To see all of the on the link below.